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Foreword From The Principal

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it turned into a butterfly !”

A warm welcome and greetings to all!

We take pleasure in inviting the parents, students and well-wishers into the web community. Staying updated is the key to success in any field, especially in the field of education. As you tread through the school website you’ll have a clear insight about the school.

We are a school which is child centered and so all our efforts, our work and our endeavors revolve around the achievement of each students’ potential, academically, socially and emotionally. We have the highest expectations for each student in our care and as such it is our responsibility to do our best to ensure that.

So my dear students,

My vision for your future is just that – for you to evolve into butterflies, to always move upward and to excel in everything you do. The word ‘excelsior’ means to ‘move upward’ or attain ‘greater heights’. Each one of you has a unique talent, a brilliant ability or a matchless quality that sets you apart from the others. Our mission is to help you search deep within and bring out that distinctive skill that will always help you reach higher.

“If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies”.

Sr. Principal
MCC Public School